Presidential Active Lifestyle Award (PALA+) — NATIONAL FITNESS FOUNDATION

Presidential Active Lifestyle Award (PALA+)

            A physical activity & NUTRITION awards PROGRAM

The Presidential Active Lifestyle Award (PALA+), a program of the President’s Council on Sports, Fitness & Nutrition (PCSFN) since 2001, promotes physical activity and good nutrition, because it takes both to lead a healthy lifestyle. The 8-week program can help you maintain or improve your health and is a great way to help manage and reach your health goals.

You can participate in PALA+ by downloading a paper log from the President’s Council on Sports, Fitness & Nutrition to track your progress.

The National Fitness Foundation proudly offers award and recognition items for earning the Presidential Active Lifestyle Award. Visit the PALA+ Awards Store for more information on how you can reward yourself, or recognize your friends, family, or coworkers for their achievements! Proceeds from the sale of awards help the Foundation support the PALA+ program.